Wall Street

What Does a Delta One Trader Do?

A Delta One trader sits on a bank’s Delta One trading desk, but what does this desk do? It’s one of the industry’s hottest trends post-financial crisis and has been shrouded in mystery for years. Here’s a primer on Delta…

What Does an Equity Strategist Actually Do?

If you’ve ever watched Bloomberg TV or CNBC you’ve probably seen interviews with senior equity strategists from major banks. They mumble some words about volatility, sector weightings, yield curves, or something similar. But when they’re not making up fluff on…

The Patrick Bateman Haircut

If there’s one movie synonymous with Wall Street, it’s probably American Psycho. That means if there’s one haircut synonymous with Wall Street, it’s probably Patrick Bateman’s haircut. The dude looks good, it’s just a fact.  Christian Bale’s Haircut in American…